Sunday, June 16, 2013

Baby Birds :)

Hey Readers,

So THE BABY BIRDS WHERE BORN! they are soo cute i really want to name them so if you have names good names put them in the comments. i'm not sure what gender they are but like i said they are so cute! We have some photos but i need to download them to the desktop so expect them in like a day (I never get around to doing that) LOL


Happy Fathers Day

Hey Readers,

Happy Fathers Day to all of our great dads who love and care for us. and sorry i haven't been posting anything lately i don't even know why i wasn't :)


Saturday, June 8, 2013


Hey Readers,

So i was talking to Lauren from Nerdly and she said that she will feature Alexa in her
Character Spotlight  and it will be up in six days so go check it out! (theres a link below)


Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Hey Readers,

So I'm writing a Harry Potter Fanfic! If the first chapter turns out good I'm going to post it :) It's about Sirius Black's daughter Alexa (if you have better name post them in the comments) and her friend Aspen and Teddy Lupin but I don't want to spoil anything.

I got this idea from my friend who sort of got it from me (I know that sounds weird) But here are some pictures of what I think they look like.
PS: Sorry I could not find one of Teddy



Lord of the Rings

Hey Readers,

Lord of the Rings is one of my favorite movies it's (tied with Harry Potter)
And i just wanted to post some thing about it. So this is my like top 3 favorite characters.

1: Legolas

2: Arwen 

3: Aragorn

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Epic Converse

Me and my friend did this and I just thought it was cool

Mama Kitty (My Cat)

This is 8 year old Mama Kitty aka MK, We got her and some of her kittens from a friend. We where going to foster them but my mom (The Cat Lover) wanted to keep all of them,